Are you tired of the high energy costs and constant noise from your pool pump? Then it’s time to upgrade to a variable speed pump! With this innovative technology, you can save money, reduce energy consumption, and enjoy a quieter pool area. Today, we’ll explore the top six reasons why customers should make the switch to a variable speed pump. Get ready to learn how this simple upgrade can transform your pool experience, and save you money in the long run!
1. Energy Efficiency: Single speed pumps are notorious for being energy hogs, using a lot of electricity to operate. In contrast, variable speed pumps can save you up to 90% on energy costs. This is because they are designed to operate at lower speeds for longer periods, rather than constantly running at high speeds. By using less energy, variable speed pumps are not only more eco-friendly, but they can also save you a lot of money on your energy bills!
2. Longer Lifespan: Single speed pumps are designed to operate at one speed and are often run at high speeds, which can lead to wear and tear and shorten their lifespan. In contrast, variable speed pumps are designed to operate at lower speeds, reducing wear and tear and extending their lifespan. This means you’ll have to replace your pump less frequently, saving you money in the long run.
3. Quieter Operation: No more waking up the neighbors or shouting to be heard over the noise of the pump! Variable speed pumps are much quieter than their single speed counterparts. By operating at lower speeds, they produce less noise, making your pool area a more peaceful place to relax.
4. Improved Filtration: Variable speed pumps can also improve the filtration of your pool water. By operating at lower speeds for longer periods, they can cycle more water through the filter, which means your water will be cleaner and clearer. This is particularly important if you have a lot of debris in your pool, such as leaves and twigs.
5. Customizable Settings: You can set your variable speed pump to run at different speeds at different times of the day, depending on your pool usage and other factors. This allows you to customize the operation of your pump to meet your specific needs, improving efficiency and performance. You also have the ability to connect it to automation, controlling the entire process from your phone!
6. Cost Effective: The #1 reason you’ll love your new pump is the amount of money it will save you. Depending on usage, it’s estimated that you’ll pay off the new pump in 1-3 years! Check out this graphic for the average savings you could see on a new variable speed pump!

In summary, upgrading to a variable speed pump is a smart investment for any pool owner. Although there is an upfront cost, you will ultimately save yourself a lot of money, time, and headache! From energy savings and improved filtration to customizable settings and a longer lifespan, the benefits are clear. Don’t let your outdated single speed pump hold you back any longer – make the switch and start enjoying a more efficient, eco-friendly, and peaceful pool area. Contact Flamingo Pools today to learn more about upgrading to a variable speed pump and start enjoying the benefits!